Beginning every June, the six-month Atlantic hurricane season kicks off with many
people going about their affairs as if nothing has changed. But with these
devastating super-storms lurking unpredictably, why not be as prepared as possible
for when a hurricane – or two – could be headed for your area of Florida?
When it comes to staying safe for you and your senior loved ones, preparation is
key. Whether it is planning for potential long-term care needs or creating Florida
estate planning, there are steps that each of us should take to remain safe. In fact,
preparation is all the more important for senior citizens and aging adults who may
be less able to fight crowds in search of last minute supplies at grocery and
hardware stores or evacuate effectively.
Let us share a few tips on how you, a senior, or your senior loved ones can prep to
ensure your home is as safe as possible in advance of hurricane season. Bear in
mind, we realize that many of these safety fixes may require help from family
members, neighbors or professionals.
1. Check the risk management level for your neighborhood with emergency
management services for your city or county.
2. Consider adding slide locks to the top and bottom of doors that lead to the
outside of your home.
3. Where necessary, install permanent storm shutters that can be easily opened
and closed, and store extra one-half inch plywood pre-cut to fit your
4. Install rain gutters if you don’t have them. If you do, have them checked, re-
secured if needed, and un-clogged to prevent flooding and unnecessary
pressure water pressure damage.
5. Identify trees that may be vulnerable to falling during high winds and
excessive ground saturation. Have branches cut that may be hanging over
your home, and select trees that are not subject to uprooting when replacing
damaged ones. Asking a gardening or landscaping professional can be a
great place to start when making these decisions.
6. Make sure to come up with a plan to store lawn furniture, yard items, and
trash cans so that they don’t become deadly flying objects during hurricane
force winds. Keep them away from stairways and exits.
7. Check the stability of your garage door. Strengthen garage doors to improve
protection from high winds and flying debris.
8. Make sure the sheathing on your roof is in decent shape and properly
installed. This will keep water from seeping inside.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure – especially when it comes to
emergencies. With more than 5.2 million seniors living in hurricane-prone Florida
alone, being prepared is the best way to deal with them. Securing your home ahead
of time can make an enormous difference in the ability to cope with accompanying
heavy rains, high winds and flooding. Do not wait to plan ahead for the
future! Contact us with your questions so we are able to help you.