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What I Look Forward to as President of The Academy of Florida Elder Law Attorneys This Year

AFELA logo

This year, it is my great honor to be able to serve as the president of The Academy

of Florida Elder Law Attorneys (“AFELA”). Right now, you may not be familiar with all

that AFELA does for Florida residents, but I want you to learn more about this great

organization. I would like to take a moment here in my blog to share with you why

this group is so important to improving and enriching the lives of Floridians and how

you can learn more.

We are a group of experienced attorneys who come together to advocate on behalf

of seniors and people with disabilities. AFELA was founded in 1993 and we pride

ourselves as being an association of attorneys “who are dedicated to improving the

quality of legal services provided to the elderly. Currently, AFELA serves as the pre-

eminent organization of Florida elder law attorneys providing advocacy, education,

and action on behalf of seniors and people with disabilities.”

Overall, AFELA is the Florida Chapter of The National Academy of Elder Law

Attorneys (“NAELA”). As AFELA shares, “NAELA was founded in 1987 to serve,

advocate for, and promote solutions for America’s aging population. At its core,

NAELA attorneys work together to better the lives of seniors, individuals with special

needs, and their loved ones. Advocacy efforts take place at both the national and

state level to better the lives of the individuals we serve. Whether this is through

advocating on long-term care issues with the local government, helping families

face issues such as incapacity, or planning to address the rapidly changing senior.”

One of my goals as president is to continue to work with my fellow attorneys

throughout our state to protect these groups. Elder law continues to be a relatively

new concept within the practice of law. As elder law attorneys, we work to

anticipate the challenges that our aging population regularly face and to help our

seniors and their loved ones plan for the future.

Another one of my goals that I take seriously as president is to further our legislative

agenda to protect seniors and people with disabilities. In both the political and

grassroots efforts, we work consistently to ensure that our Florida seniors are well

represented. To that end, I encourage you to actively participate in what we are

doing on social media to share the word and help us as we advocate for you.

Unfortunately, there is a persistent mindset among seniors that they are “too young”

to plan and, due to a lack of planning, there is an inability to access benefits before a

crisis arises. As I have shared on my website, elder law can be defined as a holistic

approach to assisting the elderly with their legal needs. It is something we need to

keep at the forefront of our minds and work to educate those around us.

In my practice, we strive to provide our clients with the security and peace of mind

that comes from knowing their estate plan is in proper order and that our team of

friendly professionals is always ready to help their family in times of need. Whether

it is through my presidency or as your attorney here in our local Venice community,

my goal is to improve the quality of life for my Florida seniors clients and their loved

ones. Please do not hesitate to contact me with your questions now, or in the future.


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